The setting: a small and friendly supermarket in a old sleepy town in Italy
The characters: Serena and the staff at supermarket Il giovane cassiere, all’entrata del supermercato: “Buongiorno!” The young cashier, at the supermarket entrance: “Good morning!” Serena: “Buongiorno!” Poi, parlando tra sé e sé: “Allora, vediamo la lista della spesa: pere, uva, funghi…” Serena: “Good morning!” Then, talking to herself: “Right, let’s have a look at the shopping Dopo aver scelto e pesato le verdure, Serena controlla ancora la lista: “Semolino. Dove l’hanno messo?” Poi, vedendo Enzo, il manager e tuttofare del supermarket, gli chiede: “Ciao Enzo! Dov’è il semolino?” Having chosen and weighed the vegetables, Serena checks the shopping list once more: “Semolina. Where have they put it?” Then, having seen Enzo, the manager and handyman of the supermarket, she asks him: “Hi Enzo! Where is the semolina?”list: pears, grapes, mushrooms…”.... Click for to Read More... |
July 2024