We all know that a filthy rich city like Dubai can afford to impress their even filthier rich pedestrians and drivers with their fleet of Supercars... including a Ferrari FF, Lamborghini Aventador, Bugatti Veyron, McLaren, BMW i8, McLaren MP4-12C and Aston Martin One-77. But one wouldn't think a financially stressed country like Italy could afford super-police cars. For the most part, I've seen the polizia stradale driving around in Fiat Grande Puntos or Alfa Romeo Panteras. I've even seen Fiat 500s with "Policia" emblazened across their blue and white bodies.
Well apparently, for some years now, there have also been a few Supercars gifted to the state police by Lamborghini...
The latest addition to the polizia stradale fleet of squad cars is the specially designed Lamborghini Huracán LP610-4, donated in 2014. This amazing car replaced not one, but two Lamborghini Gallardo squad cars driven by officers in Rome and Bologna, after succumbing to crashes. For consumers, a Huracán runs about $300,000, less the weaponry of course. There were also two earlier Gallardos put into service in 2004 and 2005. But alas, Supercar police vehicles might not last that long, with all that Autostrada criminal car chases, bouncing on their underbellies and scraping through ultra-thin streets in most towns... Oh, but wait a second... now that I think of it, they are typically only used to impress dignitaries at special public events and parades, or to deliver organs to hospitals for transplant patients. Maybe they will last a bit longer this time. --Jerry Finzi